Release Aria2 Explorer v2.1.0

Several new features are coming...


Release notes

Aria2 Explorer v2.1.0 brings several important features that address some long-standing issues bothering users.

Monitor all aria2 servers

This feature allows users to monitor the status of all RPC servers when multiple RPC settings exist. The results are aggregated and displayed in the extension badge text (Suggested by @nukewarrior). You can enable it in the extension’s options page if needed.

Save aria2 settings in AriaNG

The original version of AriaNG only supports one-time settings for Aria2 options, which are restored after Aria2 restarts. We have enhanced AriaNG to support automatic saving and loading of user’s Aria2 options. The Aria2 options will be stored when you change them in AriaNG and loaded when you open AriaNG or send tasks to Aria2. Furthermore, when you upload settings in the extension’s options page, your Aria2 options will also be stored in the cloud.

Start aria2 and open download file(s) from URL scheme (for Windows user)

“Launching Aria2” and “opening downloaded files” from the extension have been highly requested features from users. Due to browser restrictions, we couldn’t implement them until we released the Aria2 Manager. Now, we are delighted to announce the Aria2 Manager v1.1, which allows Aria2 Explorer to start Aria2 and open download folder from the extension. The process is simple: download Aria2 Manager v1.1 to your Aria2 path, run it as an administrator and then click register from the option menu, at first time. After following these steps, users can start Aria2 from the extension’s option menu and open download folder in AriaNG task list. PS: These features are only valid for local Aria2 users on the Windows platform.

Start Motrix from browser extension (For Motrix user)

After the release of V2.1.x, you can now start Motrix by registering Motrix as the default application for the aria2:// protocol.

Registration Method: (For Windows users)

  1. Save the following code as aria2.reg,
  2. Replace D:\Motrix\Motrix.exe with your Motrix installation path in the last line below,
  3. Double-click aria2.reg to register.

Subsequently, you can start Motrix by clicking Start Aria2 from the extension’s option menu.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

"URL Protocol"=""




@="D:\\Motrix\\Motrix.exe %1"

Reference: How to Register an Application to a URI Scheme

For Aria2 Manager, please refer to article Release Aria2 Manager.

Download Aria2 Manager: [Full Version] [Standalone]

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